Client Services

Lori Fisher, Director of Client Services for the Main Office:
Karen Pfortsch, Language Support Specialist / Client Services Consultant for the Lancaster Office:
Tracy Greer, Client Services Associate:

On this page you can find:
Assistive Devices & Technology
Monthly Interpreted Health Workshops

Hearing Aid Programs
Hearing Screenings
Client Services Survey​
Prescription support info

Our Client Consultant works with the Deaf, Hard of Hearing and Hearing individuals by empowering them with information, education, advocacy and community referrals to help with personal issues and resolve communication barriers. Contact Lori at the Berks Office, or Karen at the Lancaster Office to schedule an appointment.


Assistive Devices & TechnologyHearing ScreeningPrescriptions

Assistive Devices & Technology

Assistive Technology helps people who are deaf and hard of hearing to live more independently. Devices use auditory signals, flashing lights or vibrations to alert people with a hearing loss.

Listed are some examples of Assisted Devices:
  • Alarm Clocks – Most alarm clocks are designed with a combination of features (extra loud alarm, bed shaker) that are guaranteed to wake you up.
  • Baby Cry Signalers – Alerts you to baby sounds, most have an adjustable dial to pick up the softest sounds and send a signal.
  • Doorbell Signalers – works with or without an existing doorbell to let people know that someone is at the door.
  • Smoke/Fire Alarms – Alerts you to smoke alarm, some have built in strobe lights.
  • Telephones – There are phones available that can adjust amplifications depending on your hearing loss.
  • TV Listening System – Allows you to listen to the TV at a volume that is comfortable to you, without disturbing others in the same room.


Starkey Cares

The first step is for the patient to make an appointment online (or call one of the providers) for a hearing test and let the doctor’s office know that they are seeking to qualify for Starkey Cares:person wearing a hearing aid

At the patients first office visit, they will do a hearing test and review payment options with the patients. If they are a candidate for this program, the office will refer them to Starkey Cares to apply online for the program. Part of the application process is proving low-income and then if approved, pay the $300 application fee.

After the application is approved and the $300 fee has been received, the patient would return to the office to be fit with hearing aids at no additional charge. The office will provide 5 free follow-up appointments. After those 5, there may be additional office visit fees. The patient is in charge of paying for their own batteries.

Learn More & Apply


TDDP Program:

The Pennsylvania Telecommunication Device Distribution Program provides specialized telecommunications devices, such as text telephones and amplifiers, at no charge to qualifying persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, or with speech and language disorders or with a physical disability that prevents them from using standard telecommunication equipment, who have gross incomes of less than 200% of the federal poverty level. Other qualifications that must be met in order to participate in the TDDP include: Pennsylvania residency, qualified disability, must be at least 6 years old, and must have phone service and the ability to learn how to use the telecommunications device.

The following devices are available to eligible persons: TTY, voice Carryover TTY, Amplifier, Hands-Free Speakerphone, Large Button Speakerphone, TTTY with Braille Display, TTY with Large Visual Display, Ring Signaler, Vibrating Signaler and Light Signaler.

Contact Lori or Karen for more information or visit their website at


Hearing Screening are available in English and Spanish.

Hearing screening allows hearing loss to be identified at a younger age. There is evidence that this is beneficial because early detection and management improve outcomes in terms of speech, language and education.

Parents may quickly recognize a baby as having severe or profound hearing loss, but moderate hearing loss or high-frequency hearing loss may go unnoticed for several years unless formally tested.

All babies should be screened for hearing loss no later than 1 month of age. It is best if they are screened before leaving the hospital after birth.hearing screenings and testing equipment in a soundproof testing booth

If a baby does not pass a hearing screening, it's very important to get a full hearing test as soon as possible, but no later than 3 months of age.

Schedule a Hearing Test

In the first few years of life, hearing is a critical part of kids' social, emotional, and cognitive development. Even a mild or partial hearing loss can affect a child's ability to speak and understand language.

The good news is that hearing problems can be treated if they're caught early — ideally by the time a baby is 3 months old. So it's important to get your child's hearing screened early and evaluated regularly.

Hearing Screenings are done at the KDHHS Office, Preschools (at $5 per child), and Health Fairs. We do hearing screenings on individuals of all ages (children must be at least 3 years old). For Berks & Lancaster Counties residents that come to our offices for a hearing screening, there’s no charge. Out of County residents or screenings done outside the office, there’s a small fee.

Appointments are necessary for hearing screenings at KDHHS office.

If you fail the hearing screening, we will direct you to an Audiologist or ENT doctor for further testing and diagnosis.

To schedule an appointment or for more information, contact Betsy at For other contact info, see our contact page.

Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company

This organization was formed to help Americans get access to prescriptions that they may not be able to afford otherwise. They inform you of what they pay for the drugs and what they are charging to ensure they make enough profit to continue running the organization.

If you're having trouble affording your prescriptions, look for them through this organization for lower prices than what the drugs are often sold for.

Learn More About Cost Plus Drugs

Assistive Devices & Technology

Assistive Technology helps people who are deaf and hard of hearing to live more independently. Devices use auditory signals, flashing lights or vibrations to alert people with a hearing loss.

Listed are some examples of Assisted Devices:
  • Alarm Clocks – Most alarm clocks are designed with a combination of features (extra loud alarm, bed shaker) that are guaranteed to wake you up.
  • Baby Cry Signalers – Alerts you to baby sounds, most have an adjustable dial to pick up the softest sounds and send a signal.
  • Doorbell Signalers – works with or without an existing doorbell to let people know that someone is at the door.
  • Smoke/Fire Alarms – Alerts you to smoke alarm, some have built in strobe lights.
  • Telephones – There are phones available that can adjust amplifications depending on your hearing loss.
  • TV Listening System – Allows you to listen to the TV at a volume that is comfortable to you, without disturbing others in the same room.


Starkey Cares

The first step is for the patient to make an appointment online (or call one of the providers) for a hearing test and let the doctor’s office know that they are seeking to qualify for Starkey Cares:person wearing a hearing aid

At the patients first office visit, they will do a hearing test and review payment options with the patients. If they are a candidate for this program, the office will refer them to Starkey Cares to apply online for the program. Part of the application process is proving low-income and then if approved, pay the $300 application fee.

After the application is approved and the $300 fee has been received, the patient would return to the office to be fit with hearing aids at no additional charge. The office will provide 5 free follow-up appointments. After those 5, there may be additional office visit fees. The patient is in charge of paying for their own batteries.

Learn More & Apply


TDDP Program:

The Pennsylvania Telecommunication Device Distribution Program provides specialized telecommunications devices, such as text telephones and amplifiers, at no charge to qualifying persons who are deaf or hard of hearing, or with speech and language disorders or with a physical disability that prevents them from using standard telecommunication equipment, who have gross incomes of less than 200% of the federal poverty level. Other qualifications that must be met in order to participate in the TDDP include: Pennsylvania residency, qualified disability, must be at least 6 years old, and must have phone service and the ability to learn how to use the telecommunications device.

The following devices are available to eligible persons: TTY, voice Carryover TTY, Amplifier, Hands-Free Speakerphone, Large Button Speakerphone, TTTY with Braille Display, TTY with Large Visual Display, Ring Signaler, Vibrating Signaler and Light Signaler.

Contact Lori or Karen for more information or visit their website at


Upcoming Workshops in 2024

Workshops are held at Keystone Deaf & Hard of Hearing Services, 1290 Broadcasting Road Suite 1 Wyomissing PA 19610.

Please check back for updates. ​​For more information, use the form below to email Lori or call 610-685-4523


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